Attention Business Owner Do You Want To Transform Your Business Into A Maximum Growth Machine?

 “Discover GKIC’s Most Comprehensive Training To Date That’ll Allow You To Leapfrog Minimal Advertising Results And QUICKLY Assimilate, Implement, And Profit From GKIC-Style Marketing So You Can STOP Being Beholden To Your Business And START Attracting More Free Time And Income.”

 This Is The Closest Thing To Having GKIC Personally Take You By The Hand And Personally Mentoring You Toward Possibly Doubling Or Tripling Your Profits.

Keep Reading To Discover What’s Missing From Your Business—And You Can Join The GKIC Elite Who Creates Their OWN Economy Thanks To These Uncommon Strategies.

Dear Renegade Marketer:

I know you’re sick of the advertising results you’re currently getting.  It seems like you’re constantly banging your head against the wall, trying out what the “other guys” are doing to supposedly rake in profits, and practicing the “hope and pray” version of marketing…

…just try something and “hope and pray” it works. 

Or perhaps you have 1 or 2 marketing techniques that are currently working for you.  It could be email, postcards, or direct mail.  Yet you feel like you could be a little more diversified in your marketing.

In fact, if you keep reading every single word of this message, we can guarantee you that:

Your Business Is Probably Deficient
In One Or More Of These 7 Critical Areas:

You might be killing it with email…but you’re probably not generating enough profit through your existing customer list.  Or you might be great at driving traffic but your marketing message is “so-so.”

There’s one thing we’ve determined at GKIC after working with many million and multi-millionaire entrepreneurs and business owners is that you have to have the following “spokes of the wheel” in place for a thriving business:

1. A market that’s hungry to consume your message…and your product

2. A message that grabs your prospects by the lapels and gets them to read your ad

3. A system for increasing the lifetime customer value (LCV of each customer or   clients)

4. A system for reaching more affluent customers that don’t make purchasing decisions based on price

5. A lead generation machine that never leaves you wondering when your next customer, client or patient is coming from

6. Offline strategies for getting your marketing message in front of your customers

7. Online strategies for siphoning more leads and sales to your business

Believe us, when all these “spokes” are in place…

The Profits Could Get Huge, And
Your Business Problems Could Go Down The Drain:

Imagine having a business that provides you with the income that allows you to take vacations with your family without feeling “guilty.”  And think about what it would be like to wake up in the morning with no worries and looking forward to going to the office.

Very few businesses experience this luxury.  In fact, only 80% of business makes more than $50,000 and it’s usually because they are only operating on 1 or 2 “spokes” on their marketing wheel.

If this sounds like you, then keep reading.  Things could be OK in your business right now, but over time, your business could unravel. 

Like a car with a flat tire, you’ll be able to inch along at a rate to 1-5 miles/hour, but when you try to speed up, the car will deteriorate—leaving you with a big hunk of useless metal.

Listen: at GKIC, we’ve had many business owners who mistakenly blamed their lack of business success on “the economy”, people not buying anymore, or “the breaks”…  

But the REAL reason is because they were deficient in one of these “spokes” of a strong marketing plan—and once we were able to shore up these deficiencies through one on one mentoring. 

This is where one of our Breakthrough Success Coaches who are also business owners dissect their businesses, point out what’s working and what’s not, and recommend a specific action plan for success.

The business owners who are lucky enough to grab a spout in this mentoring program have experienced immense breakthroughs in your businesses because they had an experienced outside party point out what’s deficient in their business.  Otherwise, they would have wasted months, years and DECADES trying to “figure it out” for themselves.

But here’s the problem...We Only Have A Limited Number Of Breakthrough Success Coaches, So We Decided To Create A Maximum Growth Machine EVERYBODY Can Use To Get Results.  So We're Introducing...

Maximum Profits
Online And Offline Fast Track Success Kit

This is truly the mother lode of marketing weapons you can assimilate in your arsenal that’ll make you immune to what you’re competition is doing—and put you on the fast track to more profits and less stress.

The GKIC Elite who trust us with their business training all enjoy lives where they’re not working 70-80 hours/week to stay afloat, take time off to travel, and live the good life knowing they’re secure and CERTAIN because they have a blueprint for business success. 

Think about it: once you have the blueprint others have used to achieved success, it’s just a matter of “cutting and pasting” into your own business and seeing the results yourself.

If you take action when you purchase Maximum Profits, you could experience double, triple, even quadruple the profits you experienced last year.

Think it’s impossible?  The great self-help guru Earl Nightingale once said there’s a time in a businessperson’s life when everything just “clicks” and they end up earning more in 12 months then they did in 12 years combined. 

So do the math in your head.   We’re not guaranteeing these results because each business is different and it depends on how much you put these blueprints into action for yourself.

Best part:

 This Isn’t A Course You Just Let Sit On Your Hard Drive And NEVER Use

Maximum Profits was designed for speed.   There are 12 online modules you can go through in no time, along with quizzes and exercises to make sure you retain the information and take action on it.

You can either watch one module or take action on each one each week.  Or you can set aside a day or two, go through all the content, and hit the ground running the next day.

Now’s the time to stop “trudging along” with your business and start implementing and profiting from GKIC-style marketing in both online and offline marketing.  This is truly the most comprehensive training we’ve ever created!

 Even If You Use Just 10% Of Maximum Profits,
You Could Pay Your Mortgage, Car Payment Or Overhead Costs.

Maybe it’s by targeting more affluent customers that don’t have the same money concerns and objections that normal customers have.  Price is NOT a concern for these customers, and attracting just 1 or 2 of these customers per month could add to your bottom line.

And perhaps you’re focusing on gaining a customer but aren’t doing enough to nurture that customer and increasing your lifetime customer value.  Just raising that LCV could prove to be a HUGE game changer for your business.

The good news is that’s just 2 of 12 modules you’ll get access to immediately online when you take action and purchase Maximum Profits.  Like one of our trained mentors here at GKIC, Maximum Profits will point out areas that could improve in your business.  

Perhaps you’re already killing it in your business and are just looking for 1-2 tactics or strategies you can implement in your business.  Maximum Profits will give you multiple “a-ha” moments you can implement right away in your business.

Here’s Just SOME Of What You’ll Discover That Could
Provide A Huge Cash Injection Into Your Business:

Module 1 – How to Choose a Market:  This is more important than your message.  If you’re selling the equivalent to ice to Eskimos, it doesn’t matter how good your copy or traffic is if you’re in a “dud” market.

You’ll discover the following in this module:

  • The four types of markets and how to choose the right one for your business (get this wrong, and you’re going to go through years of frustration)
  • The 11 criteria you must consider that determine if your market will be profitable.  This could save you a lot of time and money right here.
  • How to create 100 buyers INSTEAD of 1,000 prospects.  People focus too much on prospects or “list size” but GKIC’s philosophy is to get as many buyers as possible.
  • The secret to maximizing profit through market segmentation.  If you just have a “prospect” list and a “customer” list, you need to hear this because you’re letting potential profits sift through your hands.
  • The pros and cons to niche, sub-culture and generic marketing.  This will allow you to hone your marketing plan even further.
  • The simple 3-step strategy to really “Knowing” your market your competition will NEVER know (this is the “money” that’s going to allow you to attract customers like a magnet attracts iron filings!)
  • …and a whole LOT more!

Module 2 – The Blueprint For Crafting A Compelling Message That Gets Prospects To Respond:  Nothing happens until the copy is written, and this module will give you the message that penetrates your market and attracts your ideal customers, clients or patients.

You’ll discover the following:

  • How to choosing who to follow and more importantly who NOT to follow/copy when it comes to crafting a compelling message (this could SHOCK you).
  • Six fundamentals a compelling message MUST have if you have any hope of attracting as much of your ideal prospects as possible.
  • How to build a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) that attracts clients/customers to you—this is “advanced stuff” your competition doesn’t know and will effortlessly set you apart from the crowd.
  • Why most advertising doesn’t work...and how to make sure yours does. Most business owners listen to their clueless advisors and “consultants” and blow money on traditional advertising.  This is what REALLY works.
  • The secret to getting the highest response rate by including the 4 KEY Components in EVERY offer. Miss out on one of these elements and your response rate (and your ad budget) could plummet.
  • How to change a simple statement to increase response by 300%! That’s the power of copy—and these little “response boosters” could transform a lame ad almost overnight.
  • …and a whole LOT more.

Module 3 – How to Increase the Value of Each Customer or Client:  This is what most businesses miss out on—and when you implement everything in this module you could boost your LCV by 200-300% or more.

Here’s what you’ll discover in this critical module:

  • What most people will NEVER understand about a business and why they won’t make the most money because of it.  Get this right and most of your business worries could disappear.
  • What is the #1 Priority of Every Successful Business Owner.  It’s not making sure they have the nicest billboard on the town square.
  • How to Immediately Increase Average Transaction Value.  Most of these involve small “tweaks” in your current sales funnel.
  • The four stages of a customer relationship and what increases their value the most—get this right and business will get a lot easier for you.
  • The “After-Sales-Letter” 7-step formula for increasing sales.  Implement this and watch your sales explode while your competitors wonder what the heck just happened.
  • Squeeze the last drop out of your relationship through “full-usage” and “mini-conglomerate” strategies.  This is the “secret sauce” to making the big money.
  • The number 1 reason businesses lose customers and what you can do to avoid it.  Shore this up and you’ll have customers for life.
  • Nine strategies for getting more referrals starting now.  This is the easiest prospect to convert.
  • …and a whole LOT more.

Module 4 – Why Marketing to Affluent Customers Could Be the Most Profitable Thing You’ll Ever Do: If you’re not marketing to affluent customers, you’re missing out on a lucrative profit stream for you.

You’ll discover the following in this module:

  • The seven reasons why you’re losing out by not marketing to the affluent—most people mess this up big time.
  • The two concepts you MUST grasp before successfully marketing to the affluent—get these right and you’re off to the races.
  • Who has the money...the seven reasons the affluent spend and how to incorporate them into your business (it has nothing to do with price).
  • Why “I can’t market to the affluent...unless I’m affluent” is a total myth and real life ways to overcome this thinking now.
  • Four ways to gain confidence in “affluent” selling—this is how you can upgrade your clientele immediately.
  • How to focus on the 20% of people with 55% of discretionary spending and the 3-step strategy to learning how to communicate with YOUR affluent market.
  • The five reasons the affluent buy...and how to use them and the difference between the affluent and the mass-affluent and how to appeal to each.
  • …and a whole LOT more.

Module 5 – Getting New Customers By Following The “Offline” Marketing Blueprint:  Most businesses are doing this wrong, and this module will put you on the right path.

You’ll discover the following:

  • How to create a successful USP and how this gives you an incredible advantage over the competition.  This puts you in a “category of one” your competition won’t be able to touch.
  • 18 Considerations when building a USP that “works” so you’re attracting the customers, clients or patients you want.
  • Successful USP examples and how to use them to build yours.
  • Why building a Marketing Calendar may be the most valuable time you spend on your business each year—like the old saying, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” and this is true of marketing.
  • 7 steps to creating a marketing calendar and One Advanced Idea for “real” implementers
  • Why not understanding “How to create copy that sells” even if you NEVER write a word of copy in yourcareer will cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars
  • The 3-step blueprint to creating a successful marketing piece, and how to sell the most by understanding “People Buy Stories...NOT products/services.”
  • The #1 Sin of copy and how to banish it, and nine small changes to copy that creates huge profits. This is where most marketing fails.
  • …and a whole LOT more.

Module 6 – Finding Gold in Your Existing Customer List:  Here is where you’ll start getting your existing customers to buy more often, and give you the most referrals.

  • Nine reasons your losing money if you’re not writing a newsletter—this is where most businesses mess up when it comes to retaining customers.
  • How to write a profitable newsletter...the seven things to include to get the most out of it. 
  • Two advanced newsletter strategies and how to use them to get more referrals and repeat business.
  • 6 reasons sales letters are arguably the most successful form of direct mail still today...and how to build one.
  • Postcard to increase your response no matter what business you’re in—coaching, consulting, even B2B.
  • …and a whole LOT more.

Module 7 – How To Grab Prospects Attention So That They Are Attracted To Your Business:  These are little-known strategies that could change the way you do business.

  • Three strategies that work for earning the business of the second easiest client to attract.  Implement these and see the results in your business.
  • Why a satisfied customer will NOT refer your business and how to change that. 
  • The four things you have to do to get people to refer the most people to you.
  • 6 reasons people stop doing business with you...and how to create a campaign to get these people back.  If you’ve been ignoring your customers then this could be for you.
  • Proven scripts, letters and verbiage for earning back “lost” customers and an inside look at an actual campaign.
  • The five most successful types of “promotions” for any industry.
  • How to DOUBLE your response with sequential marketing and how to stabilize your success by using diverse media.
  • The anatomy of a three-step sequential marketing campaign and how you can implement this “bread and butter” strategy.
  • …and a whole LOT more.

Module 8 – Advanced Offline Strategies to Maximize Response: This is the stuff that’s going to put you on the “10% level” in your business.

  • How to get your mail opened and read.  If you’re using the type of mail everybody else and their dog uses, you might as well flush money down the toilet.
  • 9 simple ways to keep sales letter from ending up in the trash and examples of how to use each.
  • The most effective advertising you’ll never use...and how to use it!
  • Effective “swipe and deploy” techniques...transferring successful advertising to your business.  This will save you tons of time and money, and it’s legal.
  • …and a whole LOT more.

Module 9 – How To Take Your Business Online: This is a blueprint for building an online business from scratch or use the Internet to increase your offline business.

You’ll discover the following:

  • How to find buyers READY-TO-BUY and 8 reasons you’re not making money if you’re not online and how to correct that quickly and easily.
  • #1 Fatal Mistake made by 99% of Internet marketers and how to avoid this!
  • Four elements of online success – whatever your current business.
  • Step-by-step process to find a niche for a new business...or find niches within your existing business that will ensure online success.
  • 4 questions to ask about your niche market to determine if it will be profitable.
  • How to do a 5-step diagnostic evaluation of an opportunity to see if it will be lucrative for you.
  • 12 Things an OFFLINE business can do to make money with a website and how to convert the maximum number of visitors into lifetime customers.
  • 6 Golden Keys to creating a domain name and why people DON’T go online to buy...and what you can do to use that.
  • How to use “the first fold” to build a huge list of targeted prospect and the top six design and copy elements you must include for maximum sales and customer retention.
  • 9 Proven incentives to grow your list of sales leads, and how to use them in your business.
  • Learning to use the MOST important part of your website to make serious money on the Internet.
  • The 7 most common design mistakes that most people make that will KILL your website.
  • …and a whole LOT more.

Module 10 – How To Get People To Your Website: (Hint...they won’t just FIND it).   This is what will allow you to convert prospects to customers.

Here’s what you’ll discover in this critical section:

  • How to get targeted traffic to your website within 24 hours with 4 easy steps.
  • How to profitably use PPC advertising to produce the BEST...not MOST...traffic and the seven reasons most PPC marketing doesn’t work and how to do the opposite.
  • Do-it-yourself search engine optimization to get tons of FREE targeted leads.
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to get search engines to point people to your website.
  • The 5 elements of a great article that will attract people to your website.  You don’t want to sell too much nor do you just want to give content.

Module 11 – How To Make E-mail Marketing Work For ANY Business:  This is how you can reach your prospects through email without being “spammy”…

Here’s what you’ll discover:

  • 9 rules to follow to build relationships through e-mail and the two reasons people “opt-in” to your e-mail and how to make sure they don’t “opt-out.”
  • Understanding the three types of opt-ins and how to determine which is best for your business and why building the biggest list...may create the “least responsive” list and how to avoid this.
  • Nine offers to build a targeted list or prospects.
  • The 12 easiest ways to quickly build an e-mail list for an OFFLINE business.
  • 4 reasons online offers fail...and how to make yours successful.
  • Write killer subject lines that get results by using one of these 5 easy formulas.
  • A 12 step blueprint to get a flood of buyers from your website.
  • Maximizing the use of Auto-responders to increase sales by 73% automatically.
  • SPAM does e-mail become spam and how to avoid this at all costs! (reduces response by 80%).
  • 4 email accounts you MUST create to ensure your e-mail isn’t considered SPAM.
  • …and a whole LOT more.

Module 12 – Simple “Advanced” Online Strategies for Profitable Online Strategies:  This is what will catapult your business.

  • 8 How-to strategies to follow to ensure blogging success and the five reasons people aren’t finding your blog and what to do change that fast.
  • Using Online Videos to skyrocket your search engine results almost immediately and the 3-step blueprint to video success
  • The one website you must submit your videos to now (SPOILER’s NOT YouTube) and the 5 step checklist you should follow when shooting any video.
  • How to create a marching army of people marketing your product or service...for FREE.
  • Three step manual to creating a successful affiliate program and how to compress time, by using this simple shortcut to get the maximum number of affiliates faster, and with less effort.
  • …and a whole LOT more.

So, How Much Is Shoring Up These Deficiencies In Your Business Worth To You?

As you read through that bulleted list above, you realized you’re missing a LOT in your business.  You might be “OK” in one or two of these categories, but you realize you’re deficient in many of these areas.

The good news is this: thanks to not just the modules but also the quizzes and exercises, you’ll be able to create specific action steps you can implement right away in your business. 

Maximum Profits is the most comprehensive, results oriented training we have ever created.    Many of the GKIC Elite that follow GKIC and our founder Dan Kennedy have thoroughly vetted this system so you don’t have to undergo the “trial and error” for yourself.

Best part?  This works in ANY industry in ANY market.  It doesn’t matter if you’re a doctor, lawyer, chiropractor, chimneysweeper, run a flower shop, or information marketer.

If you’re asking prospects for money in exchange for a service, all these principles are the same.  So don’t make the mistake of disqualifying yourself or thinking, “This won’t work for me in my market.”

Just implementing one or two of the modules in Maximum Profits could lead to a HUGE profit windfall for your business.  In fact, an extra customer, client or patient or 2 could make up the cost of the System by itself.

Considering you’ll pay $10,000 to $20,000 per year in most business and marketing schools these days, we should charge at LEAST 10K for this program.   Why? Because Maximum Profits was created for business owners BY business owners…not some Ph.D. stuck behind an ivory tower who hasn’t started a business in her life.

But you won’t have to pay $10,000.  You won’t even have to pay $5000…even though you could make $5000 back easily within 30 days when you employ these principles.

When you take action right now, we’ll give you immediate access to Maximum Profits for only 3 payments of $797.  

This is a small investment that could give you an immediate return when you simply follow in the footsteps of the other successful GKIC business owners who have gone before you—business owners who used to be in your shoes.

But when you take action and purchase Maximum Profits, you’ll be in possession of perhaps the most powerful GKIC has ever created.   That’s right—20 hours of “step-by-step” instruction you can implement in your business.   And we guarantee it will work for you.  More on a second but to whet your appetite even more:

 Here Are 3 Bonus Modules That’ll Add To Your
Toolkit Of Business-Building Strategies That’ll Allow You To Crush ANY Competition

Bonus Module #1 – The Four Fatal Flaws that Cause Business Owners to Fail:  In this bonus module you’ll discover:

  • How to becoming a master of time...instead of a slave to it.
  • 5 reasons rock solid boundaries will make you and your employees more productive.
  • The 12 steps to using boundaries to make more money.
  • The 6 unhealthy boundaries most business owners have...and how to eliminate them.
  • When and how to delegate...a simple, successful formula a control-freak must follow in order to create the best business
  • The five key components of effective delegation.
  • Four simple steps to destroying the single biggest complaint business owners have.
  • Spot the 3 biggest enemies of speed and results so you can avoid them before they take over your business.
  • …And a whole LOT more.

Bonus Module #2 – Getting FREE Publicity:  

In this free module you’ll discover...

  • See how to get millions of dollars of PR for the cost of stamps
  • Creating a “nationwide” PR campaign for $10
  • Getting instant credibility with public relations
  • The fastest speed-to-market of any marketing strategy revealed

Bonus Module #3 – Dan Kennedy Speaks! GKIC founder Dan Kennedy will reveal the following in this FREE module

  • The four reasons people don’t respond to your marketing...and what to do about it
  • ALL the money is in the follow-up...a road map to building a marketing system
  • The building the BEST sustainable market advantage that NO ONE will copy!
  • Four reasons why marketing systems fail and how you can avoid this. How to shorten the sales process even for business to business sales
  • The 3 quickest and easiest ways to build trust so you can sell more
  • Why we have BAD closing percentages and how to change that!
  • 5 Ways to Increase Profits Now...Right NOW.
  • How to increase your closing percentage by 5%-16% in one easy step
  • …and a whole LOT more.

You’re Backed Up By GKIC’s 365-Day Money Back Guarantee—So There’s No Way You Can Make A Mistake!

We know you’re skeptical.  You’ve probably fallen for those other programs by other “consultants” and other shiny objects that promised to turn your business around overnight.

Most of these programs are by gurus who have never run a business—or preach outdated marketing principles that may have worked in 2002 but no longer work now.

Maximum Profits was born from many GKIC business owners who enjoy increased incomes, free time with family and the good life, while their competition is struggling for leads.    They don’t use excuses like the economy or “people don’t have the money” because they possess a blueprint most business owners will NEVER know. 

guarantee.pngThat’s why we guarantee Maximum Profits will work for you—or we’ll return your money within 365 days of purchase.  All you have to do is call 1-800-871-0147 and we’ll refund your money.

So there’s no way you can make a mistake.  Maximum Profits will work for you or you don’t pay.   It’s a simple as that.

So take action and make Maximum Profits a valuable part of your marketing arsenal.  Think about it: the next 5-10 years are going to go by anyway—why not spend those years being in the top 10% of your market and earning the income you deserve instead of settling for scraps like your competitors.

You’ve read this far.   You know what an extra 1-2 tactics can do for your business.  Perhaps you’re not in the right market and have been spinning your wheels trying to turn a profit for years.   Or you’ve been ignoring online marketing like the plague and aren’t sure how to move forward.

Maximum Profits will give you the blueprint.  So take action right now and we look forward to holding you by the hand and guiding you toward more security, more certainty and more income for your business.

Yes GKIC: I Want To Get The Most Comprehensive, Results-Oriented Training You’ve Ever Released That’ll Give Me A Blueprint For Business Success!

  • I am ready to master email marketing, offline marketing, online marketing, customer retention and boosting my lifetime customer value with this well-vetted blueprint many of GKIC’s Elite have implemented for their own business.
  • I know I’ll get 12 online modules along with 3 BONUS modules including quizzes and exercises that’ll ensure I implement and profit from GKIC-style marketing.
  • I also know that the strategies I’ll learn in this package will more than make up for the price I’m paying for this, which is miniscule compared to what I could be paying compared to GKIC’s other money-making courses.
  • And I know I’m covered by your generous 365-day guarantee, so there’s no way I can make a mistake.  I can implement these strategies in my own business, and if I don’t get an immediate return on investment I can return it for a no-hassle refund…no questions asked.
  • Yes GKIC, I’m ready!  Please give me immediate access to Maximum Profits so I can implement GKIC’s blueprint for business success.

“Maximum Profits”

ONLY 3 x $797

Your Partner For Profits,
The GKIC Team

P.S. Some of these methods are going to seem a little unorthodox.  They may even seem a little “weird” to you. That’s because the GKIC Elite doesn’t do what “everybody else” does when it comes to business—they do exactly the opposite. 

That’s why they’re successful, and Maximum Profits will give you blueprints that’ll allow you to attract your ideal customers, retain them, and get them to buy from you again and again.

You could try to cheat yourself and see if you can get this stuff in some book or course. Or you can try to figure it out for yourself—wasting time and money in the process. We’ve already done it for you…take action and purchase Maximum Profits right now before it slips your mind.

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