Now’s the time to liberate your income and start charging MORE for what you sell.  Here’s how:

“Discover The Jealously-Guarded Secrets Of The GKIC Elite Who Regularly Charge 5-10x MORE
For Their Products/Services
Than Their Competitors…
And How You Can ‘Legally Steal’
Them To INSTANTLY Increase The Income And Value Of Your Business!”

This Is The “Secret Sauce” To High Incomes, Prestige,
Wealth, And CERTAINTY In ANY Business!

From The Desk Of Dan Kennedy:

Dear Renegade Millionaire, Hang with me for a second here.  And I’ll show you how you can get an almost “free look” at the ENTIRE online training packed with breakthrough strategies that’ll allow you to raise the price of your products without resistance!

These are the exact strategies GKIC has been using to EXPLODE their profits by over 20 times in the past few years alone…

…And this is the same “stuff” I’ve been using for the past 40 years with clients that pay me at least $100,000 per sales letter.

Listen:  price is the path to stored value, hidden and overlooked opportunities, and even personal liberty for business owners.

It entails creatively reinventing your business so it can be perceived differently than all other businesses.  That way customers, clients, and patients gladly stand in line waiting…even literally BEGGING for you to accept them...

…rather than viewing you as interchangeable cog in a wheel!

That means you must mitigate a shift in POWER in your business.  This is the only way you can have dramatic improvements in PROFIT.  And PRICE is the #1 way you can spearhead these changes!

Are You Committing This Common
Crime To Your Bottom Line?

One of the worst mistakes you can ever make is automatically assume that “everyone” buys based solely on price. 

That couldn’t be further from the truth.

If that were the case, then why doesn’t everyone go to Applebee’s or TGI Friday’s instead of Ruth’s Chris or Morton’s…where steaks can be 5-10 times as expensive?

And why do you see people lining up for iPhones and iPads when you can get comparable cellphones and tablets, respectively, for much less?

The bottom line is only 10% of consumers make their buying decisions based on price.  I mean, think about it:  if price really controlled buyer behavior, then these broad range of prices would not be able to exist.

Everybody would be staying at a Motel 6 instead of a Ritz Carlton or a Four Seasons.  And everyone would be buying steaks from the local butcher shop instead of paying 50% more to have them FedExed to them from Omaha Steaks.

What does this have to do with your business?  Plenty!  If you are failing to extract the maximum price the market will pay for your products or services, then you’re leaving money on the table…and OUT of your wallet!

This is a simple fact that is probably ROBBING you of the time and freedom you could be enjoying right now.  And the result of this malfeasance is less time with your family, friends, and NO time to just “goof off” for a change.

Instead you have to work like a dog to sell MORE products and services and become a SLAVE to your business…instead of its master. 

You’ll have to work harder, put in longer hours, and endure more uncertainty, stress, and lack of control that could rob you of your piece of mind. 

And another thing:

 You Should Never…Ever…EVER Be
The Low-Cost Provider In Your Industry!


You simply cannot keep it.  There will be some moron who will come into your market and compete with you head to head for your customers at a cheaper price.

Even if they lose money doing it, they will stay around long enough to remain a HUGE problem for you. 

They will force your prices down.  You see, the reason American, Delta, and United are in trouble is because they reacted to the big Kahuna in the skies, Southwest, who dropped their prices.   

They should never have done it in the first place.  They can’t fly that great big plane with all that overhead and fly you across the country for less money then I was paying them to fly across the country in 1974.

So you could never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever try to be the low price provider because you can’t sustain it.

So what I’ve done is spend an entire DAY spilling my guts at a recent GKIC SuperConferenceSM where I revealed highly creative, innovative, bold, and daring strategies to increasing the value of any business:


Super Powers of Price
Elasticity Online Course

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This online course was probably the greatest goldmine of information on how to raise the prices of your products and services ever crammed into a single event.

There are plenty of glowing remarks about this seminar from attendees…we’ll get to them shortly.  But first let me tell you what I revealed at this seminar:

I talked about 10 clever ways to raise prices.  I also talked about the whole relationship between price, profit, and power in the marketplace. And we also talked about the fears and false assumptions most marketers have when it comes to price.

Once you go through Price Elasticity and implement just a couple tips right away, you’ll be able to make some strategic differences in the way you price, the way you present price to your marketplace…

…and more importantly, you’ll get to alter your deeply-ingrained belief system about price…including the myths, lies, and FEARS most entrepreneurs have.

You’ll also witness several case studies of Price Elasticity in action…presented by some of the GKIC Elite who where able to reinvent their businesses so they supported increased prices with little or no resistance.  


Here’s Just SOME OF What You’ll
Discover In This Presentation:


  • 15 different price presentation strategies that’ll make the actual price of what you offer irrelevant.  Your prospects will gladly shell out more money because you’ve “turned off” their habitual thinking about price.
  • The secret to separating yourself emotionally from price so you can accurately think about price—and correctly ascertain your prospect’s true attitudes about price.   This is the key to getting the big bucks!
  • The #1 trick to moving “spoiled customers” from free to cheap stuff to properly priced purchases.  This is easy to implement and most marketers RARELY use this!
  • How to use the “New Science of Micro-Targeting” to remove ALL price ceilings and limits.  This is how you attract customers, clients and patients who will cheerfully, gladly, and eagerly pay you 500% to 5,000% MORE than your competitor’s prices!
  • The 5 sources of business power that’ll allow you to avoid attracting the worst clients, patients, and customers on the planet (Are you making this mistake?)
  • How not to be the preferred source of expertise…but the ONLY source of expertise so that you’re the “go-to person” in your market.  It’s all about positioning!
  • The secret to providing extraordinary experiences that keep customers coming back—and recommending your business to everyone they know (this is basically FREE advertising…and a recommendation is the best prospect you’ll ever have!)
  • How to consistently buck the trends your competitors follow religiously…and put yourself in such a strong position that you competitors cannot possibly touch you!
  • The paradox that raising prices will NOT suppress sales…and how you can harness this in your business so you can attract better customers, clients and patients who don’t give you headaches.
  • The secret to making “crummy” complaining customers practically disappear…and how you can get an instant 100% increase in profits (here’s how to do it!).
  • How to charge for what everyone else is giving away--including a real-life example of someone charging several hundred dollars an hour for a service that’s readily available for FREE (that’s just the beginning!).
  • 3 simple questions one business owner asked so they can increase the average transaction size by 269% and INCREASED monthly profits by more than $20,000…and you’ll discover them too!
  • The secret to extracting your most affluent buyers from your lists.  That way you can segment them and offer them higher-priced products and services that’ll skyrocket your profits!
  • …And a whole LOT more!!

Listen, there’s enough valuable information crammed in this online course to create a virtual price elasticity encyclopedia!  

And the best part is you don’t have to read through thousands of pages—it’s easily contained in a readily accessible online course you can consume anytime you want.

Not only will you get the videos, but you’ll also get an 87-page transcript AND all the overheads I used in my presentation.  It’ll be as if you’re there…following along…and taking notes…

…Except you won’t have to pay $2000 like everyone else had to pay to witness this!

Here are just SOME of the results our GKIC Elite were able to obtain thanks to Price Elasticity:


“$222,000 In Net Profits…In 8 Months!”

I teach Michigan real estate investors how they can get rich buying and selling foreclosures.  The challenge was to double the price of my seminar in my small information marketing business. I collected  $220,000.00 in net profits after changing price in eight months. I am receiving better quality testimonials doubled the close rate to continuity that I have which is $247.00 a month. I currently have 100 people in it.

- Mark Ijlal
Michigan Foreclosure


Made A Difference Of $21,900.84
a MONTH In Profit!

I have a small chain of seven sewing and vacuum stores in three states… I just raised our prices on service…The overall average before was $32.52. Afterwards it was $87.48 and to do the math, it made a difference of $21,900.84 a month in profit!

- Howard Anderson


“People Will Pay Much More
Than You Think They Will!”

“…for the right program if it’s marketed well, people will pay much more than you think they will.  You are positioning yourself as a leader in the industry by charging more.”

- Fabienne Fredricksen
Client Attraction, LLC


“Profits Increased 109%!”

We realized listening to Dan: “You’ve gotta raise your price”…we raised the price 250%...we are the highest people around selling what we sell…Profits increased 109%...and we got rid of a lot of our crummy complaining customers!

 - Wayne Story
Santa Fe Décor, Inc.
Rio Rancho, NM


Now let me ask you something:


What If You Could Raise Your Prices By
10%...20%...Even 30%?  How Much Would
That Be Worth To You?


Let’s be conservative and say your business currently earns $60,000 a year in profits.  If you can add a measly 10% to your bottom line, these powerful strategies will put an extra $6,000 a year in your pocket!!!  If you’re like most people and increase the bottom line by 20% – 40% these strategies are worth $12,000 to $24,000 to you in a single year. 

Just 1 month of that increased profit would more than cover the $897 investment I usually charge.  But I’m not even going to ask for that right now.

I’ll let you have access to Price Elasticity for 30 days for just one payment of $297.  Then after you've had 30 days to evaluate the program you'll be charged the first of two payments of $297. can save a total of $100 off the usual price and with just a single payment of $797 today!

Just think…2 minutes from now you could have instant access to Price Elasticity…and start using these super powers of price elasticity to increase the income and value in your business.

And once you start implementing the covert strategies that’ll boost your business, your income, and your profits, you can MORE than make up for the price of Price Elasticity in 30 days!

And again, even after you're done with the 30-day trial, if for some reason you’re not satisfied, just call the GKIC Concierge at 1-800-871-0147 within 365 days and they'll gladly refund the payment and any additional monthly investments you've made and you'll get every cent you paid back.  

So what this means to you is this:

 You’re Risking NOTHING To Discover
These Lethal Pricing Strategies!


To be frank, I’m not sure why you’re still sitting there reading this letter.  If you are looking to immediately raise your prices and profits immediately by up to 30%, then I suggest you claim this offer on Price Elasticity right now.

You cannot read about this stuff in any book you can get on, Barnes and Noble, or any of those “marketing” books that are being sold online and offline. 

So passing this up will leave you forever LACKING these powerful strategies.

If you’re happy with the income you’re making right now and just want to keep living a “settle-for” life, then to be honest, Price Elasticity probably is not for you.

If you expect business success to come to you at the push of a button…or some “magic pill” to make all your business problems to go away, then I suggest you look elsewhere.

Sure you can “noodle around” with “better” strategies for price and presentation of price. But in my opinion, that’s a dereliction of owner responsibility. 

I have lost track of the number of people who have left me behind…who deemed themselves “too smart” for me…only to come back after months and YEARS of business and personal turmoil.

You WILL find holes, drains, and gaps where significant money is leaking out…and/or unexploited opportunities when you take action right now and get immediate access to Price Elasticity. 

I mean, I’m letting you try out the course for a full 365 days protected with my money-back guarantee!

That means I put all the risk of my shoulders by giving you access to the entire online training on the super powers of Price Elasticity.

So there’s no way you can make a mistake or “mess up” here.

So what is your reason for indecision or hesitation? I have essentially removed ALL barriers that could be preventing you from making a wise decision. 

So the only thing you can do now is claim your copy of Price Elasticity right now…while it’s still hot on your mind.


Yes Dan! Send Me The ONLY System That Allows Me To Raise Prices And Profits With Little Or NO Resistance!

  • I know that I’ll be able to generate more and higher profits by presenting my price in a way that turns what I’m charging into a non-issue for my customers, clients, and patients.
  • I know that I could get my money back over and over again when I’m able to raise my prices by up to 30% immediately and see my revenues and profits skyrocket.
  • And I know I’m covered by your generous 365-day guarantee, so there’s no way I can make a mistake here.  I can finally stop shortchanging myself and start implementing GKIC’s strategies for raising my prices with little or no resistance.
  • Yes Dan, I’m ready!  Please give me immediate online access to Price Elasticity so I can start raking in the big bucks thanks to being able to “mark up” everything in my business!



 price elasticity.jpg

“Price Elasticity”

ONLY $897
3 monthly payments of $297
or save $100 and make a single payment today of $797



Dedicated To Multiplying Your Income,

 Dan's signature_Black.jpg

Dan S. Kennedy

P.S. If you think Price Elasticity isn’t for you, then your dead wrong.  If you’re trading money for a product or service…and the last I checked that includes ALL businesses…then this is definitely for you.  You won’t find these strategies anywhere else that’ll allow you to rake in more profits almost overnight.  So take action right now!




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